Anne S. Meyer
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Professor Anne S. Meyer is Professor and Head of Center for BioProcess Engineering within the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). She holds an MSc from the University of Copenhagen, and an MSc from the University of Reading, UK, plus a PhD from the Technical University of Denmark. She has had two postdoc stays in the USA at UC Davis. In 1998 she was promoted to Associate Professor of Biotechnology/Enzyme Technology at DTU. She assumed her current role as Full Professor of BioProcess Engineering in 2006 and was simultaneously appointed Head of Section BioProcess Engineering, Dept. of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, DTU. Her research is usually done in large collaboration programmes including industrial collaboration both internationally and nationally, and she has PI and leadership experience from several such projects. Distinctions and awards: 2005: Danisco Research Award. 2008: Grundfos Denmark Research Innovation Award. 2011: DTU PhD Supervisor of the Year. She has published more than 250 peers reviewed papers within the field of enzyme catalysis, enzyme kinetics, biomass conversion, biocatalytic carbohydrate synthesis, bioprocess technology and agroindustrial refining technology- she currently has more than 8000 ISI Thomson citations and a Web-of-Science h-index of 48.
Research Interest
Her research area focuses on design and development of bioprocesses with Biocatalysis Kinetics, Enzyme Technology, and Integrated Separation Technology as core research discipline areas at the Technical University of Denmark.